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Frequently Asked Questions
Please read our frequently asked questions, this will develop and be added to over time. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question that is not posted or has not been fully answered at
Why Neoniq Training Solutions Ltd?Neoniq Training Solutions Ltd is a new start-up established by two experienced healthcare educators with a proven track record in delivering innovative training and high-quality face to face and technology enhanced, digitally delivered practice placement learning experiences for healthcare students. Our educational background ensures expertise around academic, Quality Assurance processes and assessing student work. The team are all practising clinical staff, experienced clinical educators and all have or are working towards Higher Education teaching qualifications.
But I can just run my online practice placement hours in-house?Sure you can, but won't it just feel like University? For no cost to yourself or your organisation, Neoniq Training Solutions Ltd has an external, audited, online placement solution that delivers NHS Leadership priorities ready to go. Being a placement, students can expect to engage with service users and service colleagues.
I'm an NHS trust or PIVO, How can we work with Neoniq Training Solutions?"We could work with you to increase your face to face capacity by supplementing it with some online leadership practice placement hours. We could help you address staffing and supervision issues, and we could help enhance your future employees knowledge and leadership skills.
I'm a student, why would I want to undertake a digital placement with Neoniq Training Solutions Ltd?"Our placement learning experience has been designed alongside the NHS to help healthcare students' development. It will, by using a coaching approach, explore and enhance your professional identity and your leadership skills whilst allowing you to explore and enhance your personal and professional wellbeing. It will also allow you to show employers you are employable, have digital skills, critical thinking and understand NHS employability requirements to complement your face to face patient care.
I'm a student, why would I want to undertake a face to face placement with Neoniq Training Solutions Ltd?"Undertaking a placement at our West Yorkshire Training and treatment centre will allow you to work in a multidisciplinary team and develop your first contact patient screening, assessment and treatment skills. It will allow you to work with and refer to other healthcare professionals, exploring your own role and understanding the role of other healthcare professionals in a primary care setting. We have as a team a strong track record of helping students into employment and will work with you to develop a strong, coherent narrative around your placement experience and profiles.
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